This page is for Haig Barrett Team members to quickly find relevant information on HB Connected.  Please note, this page is not meant to replace HB Connected as the primary form of communication, but serve to make it easier to find relevant information for the entire Haig Barrett Organization.



About Haig Barrett

One page fact sheet about Haig Barrett.

Contractor Confidentiality & W-9 Forms

Contractor NDA form to be filled out prior to starting with Haig Barrett as an Independent Contractor.  Forms must be submitted to Nina Cohen.

Employee HR Forms

Employee HR forms to be filled out prior to starting with Haig Barrett as an employee.  Forms must be submitted to Nina Cohen.

Code of Ethics

Haig Barrett Code of Ethics outlining the behaviors and values in promoting and executing our work with clients and partners. Haig Barrett, Inc. subscribes to the Code of Ethics as laid out by the Association of Management Consulting Firms (AMCF). A copy of the code of ethics from AMCF can be found through the Code of Ethics link.


Instructions for reporting your time sheets and link to your specific time sheet submissions page.

Expense Report Form

Instructions for submitting Expense Requests to receive reimbursement for approved expenses.

Haig Barrett Email Signature Set Up Instructions

Instructions for setting up your Haig Barrett Email Signature in gmail.

New Hire Checklist

(not yet on HB Connected) Checklist outlining all the tasks that must be completed as a new hire employee and contractor.


*For any questions regarding the new hire team info, please contact Aria.



Contact Sheet

Contact information (emails and phone numbers) for the entire Haig Barrett Team.


Instructions for reporting your time sheets and link to your specific time sheet submissions page.

Expense Report Form

Instructions for submitting Expense Requests to receive reimbursement for approved expenses.

Team Photos

Photos of the team members of Haig Barrett that can be used for the Website and Client Proposals.

Fun Team Bios for Website

Fun Team Bios used for the Website and other non proposal documents.

For Proposals –  Team Bios

(not yet created) Team Bios used for proposals.  Bios should be modified based on clients.

For Proposals – Checklist

(not yet created) Checklist for the Proposal Lead to follow to create client proposal.

For Proposals – Template

(not yet created) Template for Client Proposals.

Haig Barrett Fact Sheet

One page fact sheet about Haig Barrett that can be shared with clients.

Haig Barrett Case Studies

Case Studies on past work that can be shared with clients.

CEO Communication Channel

(not yet created) CEO Communication Channel to get up to date information from Haig.

General Haig Barrett Communication Channel

(not yet created) General Haig Barrett Communications Channel to get up to date information from the Haig Barrett Team



HB Connected Training

Training how to use HB Connected presented by Fred in Sept 2014.